Unique insights into UK and international politics, public policy, prosperity and society derived from 30 years of leadership experience in the armed forces, business, parliament and government.


As announced first on my WhatsApp channel, I have today launched my substack: stevebakerfrsa.substack.com.

Coming soon – What to expect from my substack: analysis of and insight into the forces driving the political events of the day,” is now online.

At 12:30, I released my recent interview with SpectatorTV on leadership, team building, success and failure, adding a reference to The 3 Elements of Trust at hbr.org.

And at 13:00, you can read analysis of Labour’s strategy, which frames the coming King’s Speech, by my Risk and Opportunity group.

I anticipate writing monthly for all readers, starting today.

From September, I intend to write weekly for paid subscribers, offering insight into what is going on in Parliament and policy, founded on my unique experience of being inside the Commons and Government at the centre of crises over 14 years.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. Events will be a wild ride: let’s navigate them together.

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