
Modern liberal conservatism

Suffocation for business innovation

There is the potential for a long post here, but for the moment, I’ll stick to “Innovation grants”. A small client worked for weeks, hiring consultants, to obtain an innovation grant for part of one R&D effort. They won a grant, and then spent the duration of the  project accounting […]

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The Lisbon Treaty

Open Europe have provided a comparison of the Lisbon Treaty and the EU Constitution here. It circumvents the fact that the original Treaty is in French and only shows the modifications to the two founding Treaties. There is also a guide. In short, David Cameron’s response to the Treaty holds […]

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Under attack? Open M&S early

This article by The New Statesman reminds us that, when Labour came to power, the maximum period of detention without charge was 48 hours, with the Home Secretary able to grant exceptional extensions to 5 days. They also remind us that Mrs Thatcher’s response to the Brighton bombing was not […]

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Bikes, Bikes, Bikes

Friday: KTM went for a water pump and they loaned me a 690. Saturday: K1200S in for a service, so Mark Goodhand and I borrowed an F800S and R1200S respectively. Superb ride for two hours in the Cotswolds, stopping in Burford. Autmn has its merits, even if those don’t include […]

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Performance indicators

This morning, I found myself reflecting once more on the use of military language in corporations. All day, I hear about strategy, tactics and operations. We “attack” things, usually costs or inefficiencies. And now software is to be a “weapon”. The duty manager has a “second in command”. I wonder […]

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Post-accident genius

I found a set of traffic lights in High Wycombe twisted through about 60 degrees. Thankfully, I realised in time that I was pulling into eager crossing traffic.

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Why people loathe new housing developments

This week’s Economist includes an article discussing the tension between people wanting to live in large houses with gardens, agreeing that more should be built, and people’s desire that these should be built far away. The housing at what was Royal Air Force Wroughton illustrates this tension and the unpleasant […]

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