Post Tagged with: "Substack"

Power corrupts – new paid Substack

?New paid subscriber Substack brimming with truth bombs: ??Power corrupts ?Influence and authority are earned at the price of consent and compromise. Corruption of principle and the appearance of it are evident in actions and outcomes.  ?What is to be done? ? ?Excerpt: Labour recently ended universal winter fuel payments, […]

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Future of the Right - panel photo with article text

New Substack: The Future of the Right

If the Conservative party does not stand for freedom, it stands for nothing. The recent IEA panel and the challenge now facing those of us who are fighting for a free future. The Institute of Economic Affairs was good enough to invite me to speak as part of an […]

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AI-generated Statue of Liberty

Broke and broken? You bet

Rachel Reeves is expected to argue Britain is “broke and broken”: Good: the situation is much worse than Reeves seems set to suggest. The social democratic consensus which Labour represents is unaffordable and breaking down: Conservatives in parliament should accept the appalling reality that we can’t afford all […]

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Ai-generated image of the Atlas statue outside the Rockefeller Centre

Rachel Reeves first major misstep

My latest post on Substack, summarised. If you find this article useful, please become a paid subscriber to support my work and get news first on my WhatsApp channel:  If the Chancellor tells us the UK can’t afford public spending, she is right. The Conservatives should use the opportunity […]

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Launching my new Substack

My new substack: unique insights into UK and international politics, public policy, prosperity and society derived from 30 years of leadership experience in the armed forces, business, parliament and government.

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Steve Baker interview on SpectatorTV

Interview with SpectatorTV

Steve Baker, former MP and Conservative minister, joins The Spectator’s political correspondent James Heale on Spectator TV for his final interview before he takes a break after losing his seat in the general election. He discusses the future Tory leader, the rise of Nigel Farage, and why he’s the man […]

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